International Squash fitness match...England juniors v Malaysia juniors.

International Squash fitness match...England juniors v Malaysia juniors.

Posted on 16th Jun 2020, 12:00am

TS&LC and Cornwall rising star, Louis Murray was selected for this prestigious “virtual international” match against Malaysia as one of 8 top ranked juniors in the country.

The fitness challenge event was organised by Squash legend Nicol David and fought out through the wonders of modern technology by linking everyone on screens at their homes.
The format consisted of 45 seconds per challenge discipline and best of 5 drills to progress to the next round. The fitness work consisted of tough routines such as mountain climbing, lunges, squats, press ups, star jumps and much more to find out which nation is the fittest and the fastest!
Louis won his first round 3/1, then took out a top ranked opponent again by the same margin in the quarter final and eventually got pipped by the No.1 Malaysian 1/3 in a tight semi!
At the end of the event everyone had their individual points added up to determine a team winner and it was England who proved the overall victors!
Bearing in mind Louis is still only 15 and competing against boys around 18 months older, this was a brilliant effort and fine achievement for him TS&LC and Cornwall Squash as a whole!

The event also raised over £1,000 in prizes and funds for squash related charities and was superbly run throughout by Nicol David – arguably the greatest female player of all time!


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